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Old 03-28-2013, 05:56 PM   #19256 (permalink)
The Big Dog
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Here's the last few I've downloaded;

Alkaline Trio - My Shame is True (2013)

Always liked this band. Their new one sounds a bit like Godamnit which can't be a bad thing.

Agalloch - The Mantle (2002)

Not a metal fan at all, but I've heard enough people say this album's special to persuade me to give it a shot.

The Strokes - Comedown Machine (2013)

I liked Angles which the majority didn't seem to, so if it's similar I'm sure I'll enjoy this one as well regardless of the slamming I've heard people give it in reviews.

The Cure - Pornography (1982)

Had this one in my collection for some time, went to give it a spin the other day and it was a corrupt file. Oops. Anyway, re-downloaded and I'm ready to give it a bash.
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