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Old 03-26-2013, 11:21 AM   #2249 (permalink)
Necromancer's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Originally Posted by Mankycaaant View Post
Necromancer: What hole you crawled out from I don't know, but the forum wasn't exactly in need of another blithering idiot who thinks he's the class clown. You offer little to nothing in any conversation be it musical or in the lounge apart from an attempt at humour, but just like the guy in the office who brings in the hilariously witty 'comedy mug' featuring a beloved comedy characters favourite catchphrase, you lack originality or any of the humour you so desperately want to try and pretend to others (and yourself) you have.
Also you seem to have a quasi obsession with Vanilla or at least trying to get her to notice you.
It's okay though Necromancer, I've noticed you. I've noticed how woefully generic you are and how little you actually add to conversation. Find a personality. And something to say. Also, I don't want to like your facebook page. Nobody does.
You could do no wrong and people are going to judge you anyway, there's always someone out there who has something negative to say. I've been called a lot worse things than a blithering idiot who thinks he's the class clown, so no offense taken regardless. I am shocked that you suggest I dont offer much in the music forums though!

I am not here looking for acceptance by other MB members. This is just a music forum on the internet that I have been a member of for over 5yrs now. And I never take the internet as being so serious that it affects my current mood or personal life.

I keep coming back to MB for the occasional entertainment by reading other members posts and replies. But for most of all, I stay as a member here because of the people I have come to know here at MB through the years. I just kid around with Vanilla because she is one of my MB (Internet) friends.

My signature facebook (BassPlayerzz) site is mainly for the purpose of musicians to visit. It mainly pertains to my local and tri-state area of Ohio.

It is not my personal site .. This is a music forum isn't it?

Originally Posted by Mankycaaant View Post
There's probably more people who need to step their game up also but you've missed my all seeing eye for now. AdiĆ³s.
Vaya Con Dios ..
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