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Old 03-25-2013, 10:59 AM   #2242 (permalink)
The Big Dog
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Join Date: Apr 2011
Location: Scotland
Posts: 1,989

Haven't voiced my opinions in a while, here's some constructive criticism for the users who need to step their game up.

SoundgardenRocks: You most definitely don't rock. Your idea of contributing to discussion is to name an album. or to start a thread where you name albums. You seem unable to formulate an opinion past asking inane questions. I make a point in a thread about the pros or cons of an artist. SoundgardenRocks would then ask 'what is your fave 2pac song'. Then name an album. Does he like said album? Does he dislike said album? Does he know anything other than the title of the album? Who knows.

Necromancer: What hole you crawled out from I don't know, but the forum wasn't exactly in need of another blithering idiot who thinks he's the class clown. You offer little to nothing in any conversation be it musical or in the lounge apart from an attempt at humour, but just like the guy in the office who brings in the hilariously witty 'comedy mug' featuring a beloved comedy characters favourite catchphrase, you lack originality or any of the humour you so desperately want to try and pretend to others (and yourself) you have.
Also you seem to have a quasi obsession with Vanilla or at least trying to get her to notice you.
It's okay though Necromancer, I've noticed you. I've noticed how woefully generic you are and how little you actually add to conversation. Find a personality. And something to say. Also, I don't want to like your facebook page. Nobody does.

Every 2013 member: if I wasn't so observant I wouldn't have noticed there were any. Someone do something to actually differentiate themselves or make some form of impression on me. Not that I'm welcoming people to adopt gimmicks or anything, just prove your musical knowledge or at least willingness to talk coherently about it. That's why you joined up, ain't it?

Obviously though I really like the vast majority of you so here's a few bars;

Anticipation: Deceptively clever guy who embodies weirdness and intrigue in equal degrees. Sound music knowledge and an interesting guy, even if I do make efforts to avoid his eccentricity sometimes.

PoorOldPo: Cool guy, obviously a talented artist and an intelligent Jew of a hippy. I imagine he just sits under a tree in the Irish countryside somewhere painting what his cheese and magic mushroom sandwich dictates. Seems approachable and is probably one of the realest members here in what the convey themselves as online.

Goofle11: I often contemplate if Goofle actually sleeps. It may be the only way to get through the masses of music he does. Obviously Goofle is one of my favourite forum members, just an all round solid individual who I would say I share a lot in common with.

Trollheart: Massive fan of TH. The effort he puts into this place is nothing short of remarkable and although he and I have polar opposite musical tastes, I always enjoy reading what he has to say. On a personal note he's just a really nice guy who is welcoming and encouraging to new members as well as always conducting himself like a gentleman around everyone else. Just a top guy all around.

Surrell: Although he's prone to being a little bitch who is also a Tyler The Creator fanboy, I respect Surrell for confronting me and other members when he disagrees with our opinion. Although most of his counter points are wholly irrelevant, it's good to see that he's up for defending his point of view and adding to the discussion.

TheBig3: Cool guy, I can see similarities between he and I but also great differences. Another member who's not afraid to say how he feels and that's how it should be. Although I think he needs to jump off Macklemore's d*ck. We get it, you like the song that doesn't make the rest of us boring squares because we don't.
That being said, I tend to agree with Big3 more times than not in his stance on most matters.

Fred Hale Sr: Top guy. Show's a genuine interest in others and has always been completely cool to everyone regardless of who they are. Just a guy I have nothing bad to say about. Post a picture though, in the least creepy possible way I want to see what you look like.

Rostasi: This guy's just so odd. I want to see a lot more of him. He's the enigma of the forum in my eyes, his brand of unrivalled strangeness captivates me. I can't say much more, because I don't know what to say. Keep an eye on this guy.

That's all for now I think. Obviously there are a lot of other people I like here; Pete, Urban, Hermoine, Franco, Ki, BD, Vanilla, GuitarBizarre, Foward To Death, Alfred, Blarrobarg, etc.. (Yeah, I forgot a sh*tload of you, sorry) but the majority are cool. There's probably more people who need to step their game up also but you've missed my all seeing eye for now. AdiĆ³s.
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