Originally Posted by Janszoon
It's funny that's labelled as a Swans song since it's from a Gira solo album but, yeah, incredibly depressing. Also, honestly one of my favorite songs he's ever written.
it actually appears on Various Failures

....as does one or two Jarboe solo tracks....and i agree....lyrically this is one of the greatest songs ever written....and due to its brutal honesty it is also very depressing
for me many songs choke me up a bit due to personal association....Disintegration by The Cure, Blasphemous Rumors by Depeche Mode, Fall Apart by Death In June and Let The Bloodbells Chime by Current 93.....each of which are in many ways depressing to begin with but due to their reference point in my life are amplified to the tenth degree
still nothing tears me apart like Current 93s A Sadness Song....obviously with a name like that its not going to produce smiles.....but it's seriously so hauntingly despondent and again honest.....i can't see how it could not break down anybody