Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
What were their favorite sex positions and are they Hot? 
Nah, none of them were that hot or anything and one girl was really overweight and wearing clothes that were like three sizes too small for her. Another one was talking about how she likes to be chained up to a four poster bed and completely taken advantage of by the man. I was just like "UUUUGGGGGHHHHHHHH, I DIDN'T NEED TO KNOW THAT!!!!!!!!"
The couple that were frenching like crazy were cute though, but in the library??? Trying to not-so-discreetly fulfill a fantasy or something? lol.
Originally Posted by Always
When I'm in the library, I listen to music at a level where I know it won't bleed out, and I quietly read a book as to not disturb people. It's common courtesy, but sometimes you get absorbed in company regardless of how conscious you are around other people.
I usually do that, but I didn't have my headphones.
Originally Posted by Vanilla
Oh sorry, that was me. I'll try to talk quietly.