Originally Posted by Unknown Soldier
Firstly you can't spell marvellllllous, secondly my Kiss review is actually two albums and I'm about to submit a review today, which was written yesterday. Thirdly saying I'm down in a hole, isn't that a terrible Alice in Chains song? 
"Mister Burns would like it to be known that as his attorneys we have his full permission to respond to you.
Article 1: We do not see the word "marvellous" mentioned in the piece, and furthermore (1a.) we would submit that Mister Burns was, as stated in paragraph 13.2(c) on a strong cocktail of medication at the time, so can hardly be held responsible for misspellings. Also, as per his statement on March 18, 2013 at 14:56 BST, to wit: it was all Smithers' fault.
Article 2: Two Kiss albums is still one review. Mr. Burns would remind you that you are contracted to furnish at least three reviews per week, and the fact that your most recent effort did not make it in time for the update is simply another case of your not being able to work to a deadline, something he will address on his release from hospital.
Article 3: He advises us he was actually thinking of a Tom Waits song when he wrote that. Also, see (1a) above.
Please sign here, here and here to indicate you have received a response from Mister Burns and that it has addressed all your concerns. Thank you. And here. And initial here and (excuse me) ah, here, and finally here. And this is your copy, which you should retain for your records. Good day to you."
Note: None of the foregoing implies any liability on the part of Mister Burns, nor does it release the party of the second part from their obligations to the party of the first part. None of the above will be accepted as being admissible in a court of law.