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Thread: Punk Wars
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Old 03-17-2013, 06:40 PM   #77 (permalink)
Buzz Killjoy
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We will say

Cro-Mags - 4
D.R.I. - 1

I will let the last vote fly this time, because I implemented this rule after that post. So this time I will count that vote. But from this point on if all you can reply with is the name of the band you cast your vote for, it will be ignored.

My reason for this is not to be rude, it is... if I get an idea of why a certain album is being voted for, it is easier to get an idea of a persons interests, which greatly helps when trying to think up a battle. I can look at the vote and if it says why they choose that certain album or band, I can go "okay, they like that... they will love this album!" and it is easier to pick something that I know will appeal to people.

If all you say is one word it doesn't tell me anything. As said, I do not expect people to feel they are writing an essay on an album, but a paragraph explaining why you made your choice would help greatly in making it easier to think of ideas.

I have been sitting on a few albums, like for example I wanna do one with NoMeansNo and their album "Wrong", which is one of my favorite albums ever. But I have not thought of something that would give it a fair run. I try to think of a couple albums that show enough similarities, but also have something of their own that makes it their own. That is my biggest obstacle when thinking of great battles. Give people a challenge... I know I could pick something random with slight similarities, but then I am thinking it will just be a run away, and if I think I know off the bat it will be a given to one, I think it is not worthy of a battle cause it is one sided.

I also take no offense to your comment, I wasn't trying to be rude either... trust me, I am no stranger to comments that come out as rude but are not meant as such, haha.

But yeah, the idea of this thread is to have my ideas, but also have input from others in the meantime. For reasons I stated above, I could spend a week fighting myself on battles, and if no one else is stepping up in the meantime, it just goes unused and nothing comes of it... and the thread is just dead weight.

‎"I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." - Jack Handey.
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