Originally Posted by Franco Pepe Kalle
Welcome. Plus I am a crazy franatic who happens to like Franco and Pepe Kalle (whom nobody here knows which is fine with me). I just do my thing. I am a nice guy who can have some times of being a dick.
When FPK made this gratuitous comment, a handful of posters (myself included) pointed out that, if anything, they had heard more than enough about the musicians Franco and Pepe Kalle:-
Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
I agree with Neapolitan, that your comment is a little unjustified, Franco Pepe Kalle - after all, although not widely discussed, Franco The Musician was occassionally mentioned in MB before your arrival.
In a flurry of pro- and contra-FPK posts, it became clear that FPK wasn´t really debating or defending his original comment, and so this thread thankfully moved on to other things.
Originally Posted by Hermione
.... I also want to say that those of you wankbags who are bullying him must feel like real badasses, shit talking someone who is autistic. What a bunch of douchelords.
Occassionally, something of value turns up in the most unappealing of places and here, buried under a pile of invective, is a piece of pertinent information. That FPK is autistic is certainly news to me, as it may well be for other posters. If that´s the case, I suspect that we´re all happy to cut him some slack.