Okay, first of all, you're welcome, but second I'm not sure what you're asking here. Are you asking for feedback on your entries? That would come via people making comments. Unfortunately that is not mandatory or even that likely: my own journal has been going for almost three years now and the amount of comments I get even now is quite small, and not at all on a regular basis.
If you're asking about the "submit to a mod before your entry is posted", that's the system and just how it works. I don't think they necessarily spellcheck or anything --- mostly, I do this myself before submitting the entry --- they just want to know that there's nothing in it that shouldn't be there, I guess.
If you want to clarify your question I'll do my best to answer it. At the moment I'm sorry but I really can't figure out what you're asking...
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018