Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
I've begun to notice that immediately when I wake up in the mornings, I have a song stuck in my head. Well, not immediately, but by the time I reach the shower, at least. I was not listening to music during the night. Probably not really all that much before bed either.
What annoys me about this is that it's never good music. It's always something I heard in passing a few days prior, like a radio jingle or the backing to some internet video, or a song playing in the car of someone passing by.
I realize that we all have moments where we get sh*t music stuck in our heads, much to our disgust, however I really feel screwed when it's the first thing I think about in the morning, when I'm generally already pissed off for having to be up in the first place.
This happen to anyone else?

Yeah .. I've had that same sh
it happen before. This song that just comes out of no where first thing in the morning, completely unaware of it and with no idea where it came from, until I occasionally realize I have been humming the same damn song on and off for the past 4 or 5 hours, and I dont even particulary like the song in the first place. Or sometimes I will hear a song during a commercial on TV or the radio early in the morning, and Im stuck with it until I can get to a radio, CD player, I pod, or whatever at lunch time so I can hear something different in order to block out the current one that has been stuck/haunting me for the best part of the day already.