kiekiekiekiekie, Fetcher, Trollheart, and Lisaoholinc, you sound like trolls. I am sorry but you sound like trolls. So you are the same guys that accuse of being so inconsistent on everything but when I am consist on one thing, you get so mad. Trollheart, and Fetcher, I never asked you to like Franco and Pepe Kalle at all. I never have and I have no intention to do so. Heck none of my family members like much of those two anyway. Yet, they are fine because I never ASK THEM TO LIKE THEM ANYWAY. Understand. I am not restricted to those two. I just found out that I like Franco and Pepe Kalle more than anyone else. I have come to that reality. I am a musical freak in general but I found out that those two are most favorites. That is why I call myself Franco Pepe Kalle.
Fetcher, I never knew that you even considered thinking of hearing FRANCO and PEPE KALLE in the first place. I would never even ask you to listen to them. You should want to hear them not because of me but their songs themselves. I am a young man and those two men are longer on this earth but their music lives on. Fetcher, you never said anything of hearing Franco and Pepe Kalle. Trollheart, you have a point and I try not to be nutty but I fanatic of theirs. I am sorry Trollheart, I sometimes get too excited about them sometimes. Lisalonic, look I get it maybe I like them too much but you should be happy that at least on this one, I mean what I say. I am sincere on everything I said about them.
Fetcher, you don't have to like either of them to make me happy. I just you to be you. Heck I know someone who is hardcore Skillet fan and he talks about them way too much but I respect that person because he means what he says.
Fetcher, give some of your some favorite artists on PM. I will give them a try. I know they will likely be rock folks.
Fetcher, Trollheart, you think my music only haves Franco and PEPE KALLE. Check my thread, it has more of others than Franco and Pepe Kalle