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Old 03-10-2013, 06:10 PM   #13031 (permalink)
Ba and Be.
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A truly original documentary that is an historical essay, travelogue, art project, literature analysis and an autobiography all in one.

Based upon the book 'The Rings Of Saturn' by W. G. Sebald which has become one of the most lauded books written in the last 20 years, it concerns the authors walks within Norfolk, England and his thoughts whilst walking that then lead to tangents such as silkworm cultivation, post second world war society breakdowns and the works of the writer Thomas Browne.

The film visits each area in the book and builds a visual interpretation via voice overs of artists, authors, architects and even an ex poet laureate to stunning effect.

The soundtrack is by The Caretaker (although very sparingly used) and adds another dimension to an already beguiling project.

Even though I have never read the original book and have heard that it is one of the most difficult reads out there, I was transfixed by this doc that is almost always shot in B&W and is like nothing I have seen before.

Anyone with even the remotest interest in modern literature and/or modern film should check this out.

The only cover I could find about yet another low budget British indie film with heart, soul, attitude and care.

Loosely based upon 'Of Mice And Men' the film is based around Danny a small time thug who also cares for Joseph (unofficially) a huge man with a mental age of 7. What transpires is a film of loyalty, friendship, crime and love that still reaffirms my belief in how good British films can be even with minuscule budgets. Superb film and the acting from the two leads is exemplary.

“A cynic by experience, a romantic by inclination and now a hero by necessity.”
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