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Old 03-09-2013, 01:01 PM   #5 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Don't do yourself a disservice, Kelli: that's one hell of a review. I read Engine's piece on the same album and while he was a bit more esoteric about it you have gone a little more into the actual sound of the album while yet not exactly doing what I would and do, which is more or less break down the melody of each track, which I know a lot of people frown on, but it's my journal so yah boo sucks to you!

But back to you. I love the piece that sets the tone, as it were: you learning of the release and then desperately (no doubt in concert with thousands/millions others) trying to buy the album. Really puts it into perspective.

I've never heard this band at all, and from what I read of them I don't think they'd be for me, but everyone seems to love the album so I guess they must be doing something right. Excellent second review, big improvement on the first one, which was pretty damn good.

You go, girl! You'll be mentioned in the update thread tomorrow night. For now I'll leave your journal name as it is; if you want to change it for the update let me know.

Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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