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Thread: The Art Thread
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Old 03-08-2013, 11:06 AM   #4 (permalink)
Blue Pill Oww
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Originally Posted by CLOSER View Post
And when you are drawing these pieces ... do you think of the concepts first or do they just create themselves while you draw them out...
I very rarely plan them, but when I do plan them they are usually based off of dreams. But they never go according to plan, so a large part of the process involves compensating for things that went wrong, or making "mistakes" look like "not mistakes"(lol). But the ones like the recent one I did never have a plan, the whole thing is done without a drop of alcohol(well maybe a glass of wine now and then) or weed. I am almost always sobre doing them. I study architecture so some people might see that influence in it. But I have taken a year out(which is what we are advised to do after third year) to have time with Band of Clouds and to do the exhibitions I have been offered, so when I come back to architecture, hopefully my mind will be orientated in a different and more architecturally conceptual way, which should help design some ****ing mad buildings
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