I absolutely love it.
I've been frustrated the past couple years with the way music has been laid out for me. In high school, building my music collection was a very important part of my life. With everything going digital, that part of my life pretty much stopped. I could listen to way more, but I felt music lost a personal touch for me. I got really sick of just downloading an ass ton of albums and adding them to my ever expanding digital library.
Enter Spotify. It's easier than dedicating hours out of my life downloading tons of albums as it has most of the music I want. When I find something I really like, I take note of it and eventually buy it on vinyl. That way I'm also only buying albums I really like.
So, yeah...I fully support Spotify. Granted, a lot of artists will argue they don't see **** for a few Spotify plays, but with a little tweaking of the system I think this is the way the future of music should be. Maybe to encourage buying physical albums artists could start including more interactive or creative packaging or extras or something.
Confusion will be my epitaph...