Originally Posted by Janszoon
I did give it a listen. I mentioned that already. I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world who doesn't like it.
I'm not really sure how to answer that. I listen to a lot of different music and its been a long time since I've been able to define my taste by some small group of favorite artists. I do like the Beach Boys a lot though so we have that in common. 
Well there's 2 different types of Beach Boys fans..
The ones that only like the hits (Surfer Girl,Don't Worry Baby,California Girls)
and the art rock/pop fans that love Pet Sounds and Smile...
What side do you fall in?
Originally Posted by FRED HALE SR.
Stan Ridgway- Underneath the big green tree
Kinks- See My Friends
Johnny Cash- I Cornithians, 15:55
And i'd beg for one more by Billy Bragg: Tank Park Salute.
Depressing? Just maybe.

glad to see someone mentioned the Kinks!
I love See My Friends..It's one the first rock/pop songs to have Sitar playing and also inspired The Beatles to use that instrument.