Originally Posted by Goofle11
Go Let it Out ripped off The Beta Band a few times.
Yeah. Dry the Rain's clearly the better song, though.
& I think Standing on the Shoulder of Giants was their worst album.
Originally Posted by neardeathexperience
I think they came off better in front of a hundred thousand people playing Rock And Roll Star, or Supersonic live then on their records.
I think it kinda depends which years you're talking about. Any live performances you watch from the 90s are usually great because Liam's voice was great. But his voice has gotten worse after 2000-ish. I saw Noel play live a few months ago and was pretty impressed. So I think it's reversed a bit because Noel was not the better singer in the 90s.
A few of their songs I always thought sounded better live, ex. Slide Awaaay.
Oasis Live By The Sea - Part Eight - YouTube