Music Banter - View Single Post - School Flips Out Over Gun Shaped Pop Tart. Suspends 7 Year Old.
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Old 03-04-2013, 10:18 AM   #6 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Posts: 113

I did not like the source for that article at all... and felt if I were to respond I should search elsewhere for the offense
Josh Welch, Second-Grader, Suspended For Making Pastry 'Gun' In Class

7-Year-Old Suspended, Teacher Says He Shaped Pastry into Gun - WBFF FoxBaltimore - Featured

A suspension sounds like a horrendous consequence. With ADHD, the early years are times to nurture and foster the mind. One article says the child said "bang bang" - but that also sounds like an ad-lib that is not in the original Fox article.
AND to send a letter home with all the other students to alert them of what happened? Inflaming the issue... parental controversy and potential segregation from the class when he returns after his suspension? Josh will feel weird about eating pop tarts for the rest of his life..
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