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Old 03-01-2013, 08:05 AM   #94 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PoorOldPo View Post
You are basically an english version of me then. If you have curly hair and dont like eating from other peoples plates and glasses then it is going to be scary.
Straight hair, will eat from anyone's plate the moment it's offered.

Three magic factors need to combine for me to even start dancing.
1. Extremely good mood (very rare in a club)
2. Pretty drunk
3. Love the song (very rare in a club)
4. More than three people OR one average dance ability lady (not a fantastic dancer, I look like a nonce, not a rubbish dancer...because awkward....)

Then after about 5 minutes I'll wonder why I'm doing it, If I'm even enjoying it, how did it come to this anyway? Just look around at all this drunken flailing around by people who think they're cool, I can't even hear what other people are saying, this song is just constant bass bitches and niggas, man girls have it so easy, they just stand on the spot one hand in the air drink in the other while grooving their hips, I wonder if anyone's going to go for a smoke break soon, maybe I'll just down my drink so I can kill time waiting at the bar for another one.....
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