Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
My most recent breakdown/attempt was this past October, and it ended very dramatically but positively. I'm in therapy now and it's something I work on healing from every day.
Oh, ****! I almost forgot about your post. Is this the first you're mentioning it on here? If you're willing to talk about something that must still be so fresh then I guess it means that you're "on you way," ya know. Well, all the best, dude. Sorry, but I'm not that good at heart felt stuff.
Originally Posted by Engine
Interestingly, although I've always been a little depressed, I never thought that life was just totally useless until I was older. When I was suicidal, I was very lonely and directionless.
The feelings went away because I became less depressed for some reason. No specific reason, just a "time heals all wounds" kind of thing. More specifically, I think I had to become used to the fact that I had nobody to depend on and no safety net. That became liberating eventually and once I accepted it, the suicidal thoughts stopped.
I'm the total opposite. The older I get the more I believe that I'm just not capable to deal with the world. I've sort of had this fatalistic view for a good while now that I would either end up homeless or with a gun in my mouth. I've sort of internalized it to the point that it's just a part of me now.