Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
I think this is the attitude that comes closest to my own; at some level I am affronted by the idea of no longer existing, so I prefer to turn my thoughts away from the prospect and pretend I`ll live forever ...
On the other hand, death is often accompanied by physical pain, loss of ability and loss of dignity, so I sometimes worry about the way I will exit this world. I wonder about which is worse; a long, slow decline or over-before-you-know-it. What would you all prefer ?
I'm pretty much this.
I'm more afraid of the process than the outcome. But then again, I'm a single guy with no kids, so I'm not TOO worried about what I'll leave behind. But on a solely selfish level, I'm basically just reticent about the fact that I won't be able to live anymore. I like living. But I am simultaneously comforted by the fact that I won't be able to begrudge the revocation of that privilege. Just like I wasn't able to do so prior to being born. So at least there is solace in that.