Originally Posted by Surell
Now I have to take objection here. Honestly, up until Abbey Road for sure (and Sgt. Peppers on paper, but also the White album because I just really like it probably), the Beatles were never very consistent in their albums. They were consistent in progression, absolutely; they were consistent on putting out at least one to a few great songs per album; but as far as the album actually sounding like good, cohesive whole, I'd have to disagree, up until a certain point. The Beach Boys weren't much better honestly, if any better at all, until Smile for sure and Pet Sounds maybe - the latter certainly has great peaks and momentum and perhaps even a plotted movement of songs, but the constant fade-ins and -outs just destroy what could be a very clear, cohesive album.
Well, we'll just have to disagree on this one, hehe. I think The Beatles already managed to release a "good, cohesive whole" of an album in 1964 with A Hard Day's Night, and after that, every album from Rubber Soul onward. With the possible exception of the s/t, which is more of a collection of incredible songs mixed in with a few weak ones. I think I probably have 6 Beatles albums in my top 30 albums ever, so I'm definitely a big fan, even if I don't listen to them much anymore. I will agree with you that Pet Sounds is overrated as an album, but I still love it because of a few tracks, most notably God Only Knows. <3