alright Willie....i've not been posting much but have been reading....but i figure i'll likely be the only person to comment on one of the most underrated bands in the history of booze soaked rock....well f
ucking done on mention of Action Swingers...
i cannot think of another band that truly hits the way i feel about myself and the world around me....and that plays rock the way it should be played....drunk and dangerous....its such a shame that these guys get almost no recognition
Ned Hayden writes some of the most simplistic real lyrics i've ever
"Everything I See Is Fake
Everything I Touch It Breaks
I Could Never Make It Straight
I Don't Wanna Be This Way"
seriously man major props on even mentioning them....they are easily in my top five bands of all time
all of you should be listening to this band
edit....i should had known Engine would be with me on this one
double edit....look Scratch Acid really are great and all....but they are **** compared to Jesus Lizard