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Old 02-24-2013, 09:41 PM   #2061 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon View Post
This was my thought exactly. Urban's an asshole but he's an asshole of the best variety - that doesn't mean that he doesn't take some getting used to and that doesn't mean that everyone should have to get used to him. I find it continuously amusing how people feel the need to defend his honor, a behavior I don't see replicated as feverishly in regards to other members.

I'm reminded here of my coworker Susanne. She's an old crotchety German woman with a feeling of entitlement because she's worked at our shop for ages. She is intelligent and witty and I enjoy being around her most of the time - as a person she has a lot to offer and is wholly interesting. She is hilariously rude to new employees and annoyingly rude to her superiors (myself included), but she gets away with it because "oh, that's just Susanne, you have to get used to her." She's good at what she does and the shop wouldn't be the same without her, but that doesn't change the fact that sometimes she's a fucking bitch.

Susanne is to my shop as Urban is to MB. He contributes to the forum immensely. It doesn't make him any less of a cunt.
I love you, but you are ridiculously off axis with your assumption that everyone "defending" urban is actually defending him rather than defending the idea that expression should never be tailored to placate.

It doesn't matter if it's Urban, or JackPat (yea, I went there), or Hermoine, or Doctor Soft. An expression of opinion that supports theirs doesn't always have to mean you're just being a fan boy. It doesn't always mean you're being unreasonable and full of bias. Why people automatically gravitate to that assumption is beyond me, but I would be comfortable in the assumption that the causality behind such a phenomenon is cultural stupidity bleeding into interaction.

Either way, I dare any one of you to prove my intentions. Have fun. And when you realize that it's all just a bunch of assumptions, then you'll understand the value of evidence and why you have been disregarding it for the sake of your own perspectives.
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