There are a lot of Waking Life fans on this board. I actually just watched a movie that reminded me of Waking Life...
The Sunset Limited
WHAT. A. F*CKING. SCRIPT. Cormac McCarthy is awesome. I mean the dude wrote the screenplay to a best picture winner. He wrote one of the best novels of the past 30 years in The Road and now he has this powerhouse of a play turned HBO special. Jones and Jackson could talk all day and I'd listen. I loved their chemistry and their acting was great; especially Jackson. I'm beginning to like him better now that I've seen this and Django. The dude is coming back strong after a lot of ****. The reason this reminded me of Waking Life is because it literally is an hour and a half conversation about religion and meaning of existence and what happens when we die. Jackson plays a character who saved Jones from killing himself by throwing himself in front of a train. Jackson has to keep him at his apartment and try to convince him that life is worth living. It's an amazing and thought provoking script that didn't get boring and was acted out beautifully by the two. Definitely check this out sometime.
This is Tim Burton's best work since Big Fish. The animation was fantastic and I loved the little homages and nods towards classic horror cinema such as The Mummy, Bride of Frankenstein, and b-movie monster flicks. The whole film had that kind of black and white classic feel. It felt like it was a lot older than it is. It was also a challenging film as it basically flat out screamed that people can be ignorant and stupid when it comes to culture and science. I liked Paranorman better but I certainly enjoyed this.