Originally Posted by Engine
Did you base this list on your own personal taste? If so, you're ranking of 140 bands is super difficult for me to understand and so I gave up trying a while back. Death From Above 1979 beat all of the 83 bands you already mentioned??!
Hi Engine, musical taste plays a part in how I'm ranking things, but it is far from the determining factor. I'll give you an example:
Chaos UK are one of my personal favourite bands because of their early releases that incorporated audio effects into their songs (Phasers, delay, double toms ect ) That being said, I dropped them lower because I couldn't rank them higher than a band like Rise Against for numerous reasons.
Number one: from 1984 onward, they became a thrashcore band that had very basic riffs, poor production value, and released nothing memorable (ENT split aside). So in short, their musical legacy leaves much to be desired.
Number two: As enjoyable as their early stuff is, it's also simplistic and basic, and although their most memorable song No Security has a wicked opening, the song staggers into mid paced tempo, typical of UK 82 bands, had they shown a little more ingenuity and incorporated some breaking necking thrash speed into the song, it would probably have held up much better, and I'd be taking a second look.
For the record, I'm not a fan of Rise Against at all, it's not in my personal taste, however I have to give them props, a talented vocalist and catchy little musical compositions.
Questions on any other band and just ask.
Originally Posted by Engine
This is not a criticism btw, it's nice to have my mind-boggled by a fan with such a subjective take on what even counts as hardcore/punk.
I do have to take exception to this quote, only because for people who've been following the hardcore scene over the years and have watched bands like Converge & Earth Crisis rise through the ranks, it's really annoying when we have to deal with fairweather hardcore fans who say their not punk, and only bands like Anti Flag and the Lower Class Brats are punk???... Give me a break. As for crossover genres, I can't help it that punk & metal have become so intertwined.
Originally Posted by Engine
I'm with the others on Scratch Acid vs. Jesus Lizard but you've still got 54 bands to go which is batshit crazy to me. At this point I'm mostly just curious about your choices. I'm not asking you to explain them, I'm just fascinated. And remember that Botch ranks at 42.2
Lol I haven't forgotten about Botch, but if you could be so kind to list the 3 songs you want me to put up, it would be appreciated. I don't know which songs to pick. Scratch Acid is noted if things get revamped.
Originally Posted by Engine
Extremely? My curiosity is only average. He has mentioned that this is a fluid list and that external input is appreciated. Perhaps Mr. Bloody based the list on ticket sales that he has extensively researched, or the number of times these bands have been searched for on Bing. I don't know so that's why I asked. Like I said, it's difficult for me to picture a person listing 140 "hardcore/punk" bands, and ranking all of them. Anyway, I'm sure we'll have our answer soon enough.
Yes this is a very fluid list that I have based on ticket sales & bing lol. The countdown is just meant to make it more fun, it is the band's that matter.
It would be extremely arrogant for me to come onto a forum and proclaim the greatest hardcore bands of all time. Like I said before, I am both suprised and flattered that people are following this, but in the end, if enough people take interest,
it would be my preference to re-arrange everything based on people's input. Hardcore is a big genre and some people who love Helmet & Quicksand may not be so big on GBH & the Exploited, or vice versa.
I have my flaws, I don't like most post hardcore, power violence & I'm not too big on Beatdown, although I'm thinking of doing a little interlude for one of these genres while I take a break, say throw in some Death Before Dishonor, Lionheart, Capitalist Causalities, Spazz ect???
I'll wait to see if there are any more questions before I move on & I'll lay off the Post hardcore.