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Old 02-23-2013, 03:13 PM   #12951 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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Certified Copy

I'm a big fan of Juliet Binoche and I've never seen an Abbas Kiarostami film so I checked this out. It was very confusing at first because you didn't know the relationship that the two had but as it was going on you could get the feeling like there was more to this than just a chance meeting. I also liked the use of language and how it pertained to feeling and mood. I enjoyed it. Great acting.


In the Heat of the Night

Oscar winner for Best Picture, this one deals with racism and murder in Mississippi. Sydney Poitier was fantastic as Mr. Tibbs and Rod Steiger earned his Oscar. It's funny because I usually have a hard time watching movies with an overflowing amount of racism in them but this was just right.


The Kid with the Bike

French film about a boy desperately trying to find and be with his father who has abandoned him. The acting from the kid was very very good. He played a disturbed confused kid very well. The last 20 minutes were very good.


Being Flynn

I actually really enjoyed this despite bad reviews. Di Niro was fantastic and I honestly feel this is his best work since Casino although I haven't seen Silver Linings Playbook yet. The story revolved around an aspiring writer who works at a homeless shelter that his deadbeat father stays at. The film was pretty heavy throughout and like I said contains just some wonderful acting. Paul Dano may be ugly but he's the real deal.


The Brood

I'm a big Cronenberg fan and I still haven't seen some of his early work like this. Very creepy and "brooding". It was slow, but a nice burning slow that Cronenberg likes to give. Very disturbing ending.


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