Im very glad that most ppl recognise animation as credible medium nowadays but there are still alot of ppl who view them as kids cartoons
cause for the most part most american cartoons are still being marketed to kids, take every CGI animated movie like Shrek, those still look like kids flicks right?
they are still not taking animation seriously, i don't mean the animators, i mean the general public perception of animation
Family guy and Southpark are for an older demographic but their comedy cartoons
they are not being serious, Samurai jack like miss poptart said is a good example of trying to apply the seriousness of anime into an american cartoon
speaking of comics, i remember in my days it was childish even for a teenager to collect comics, ppl dismissed it as childish but they had great stories, 10 to 20 yrs later Iron man is made into a movie, the avengers, and now EVERYBODY is on board >_>