Is animation just for kids?
Im 29 and i still watch cartoons but ive noticed that some ppl still don't respect cartoons like they do real life movies or series
they don't respect it a credible medium to tell a story, the Anime explosion change that, for those of you who do not watch anime don't think anime is just tentacle monsters raping girls (that's Hentai)
Anime has a series for every genre, you know All those CSI bull**** cop shows?
the anime Death note is better than all those cop shows combined
For the longest time cartoons were just considered for kids..
it was something you left behind as you growed older, that was the general thinking of most ppl
But shows like The simpsons And Southpark started to appeal to adults
And anime revolutionised animation all together but some ppl still view animations for kids
is animation just for kids?