Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody
Rumour has it that Danzig is furious over it, but Henry doesn't mind
Then I have a significantly higher opinion of Henry Rollins than I do of Glenn Danzig (not that HR should be too proud of that, it's actually harder to have a *lower* opinion from me than my opinion of GD).
And anyone that gets *that* bent out of shape (as it were) over being mistaken for gay is probably dealing with serious sexual insecurity. It wouldn't bother me, I wouldn't consider it an insult. As it happens I'm not gay but if I was I'd be proud.
And besides, several of my favorite musical acts come from the LGBT community, a few that pop into mind are Bob Mould, Joe Jackson, Patty Larkin, Amanda Barrett and Abby DeWald of The Ditty Bops, on and on....
And lastly, this is a great thread. An epic thread. Who really gives a flyin' f*ck if those two are or aren't gay. I'm ready for WtB to proceed with this stellar countdown & let's drop this distracting sidebar topic. (not that he brought it up)