Can you believe we're halfway through February already? Soon be donnin' the Green for Paddy's Day --- yeah, not while there's breath in my body!

Anyway, here's what's been a-happenin' down here in Journal Land...
The Batlord gets us started on this update, and in he's musing on the best way to treat poseurs (not kindly, you can be sure!) and also giving us the top ten reasons why a metal show is better than sex!
A welcome return for
Big Ears, whose journal has a review of Pain of Salvations's "Remedy Lane". A great review, should be required reading.
Engine's new journal (first journal?) is, like his alter-ego, gathering steam and pace, and the story is really developing. Pay him a visit and see what it's all about...
And it looks like there's been some overtime going on over at, where he's reviewing The Noisettes, Richard Thompson, The Strypes, Jolie Holland and the Go-Betweens, as well as waxing lyrical about Kevin Shields. Take a coffee break man!

Fine work, and definitely worth your taking your time to visit and check out.
Which takes us to
Janszoon, where I'm delighted to report there's a new entry in This time our insubstantial friend is listening to music from --- let me see if I can get this right --- Robotobibok. Think that's it. Anyway, pretty eclectic as you'd expect from Jansz, always a great read and some great music coming your way.
I must also note the now-finished, which is still deservedly getting comments and praise even months after it was finally finished by Jansz. Rightly so: it has to rank as one of the best journals. Ever. If you haven't already read it, then by the gods you have a treat in store.
And so we're back to me. I must say, this week has been the busiest and most productive since I started my third journal, so much so that I've written a thread to the mods to apologise for all the updates during the week! And more to come! In I've looked at albums from Buckethead and Devil's Train, while in there's a new section called "Great moments in history set to music" --- snappy huh? I was trying to think of a cool title for it, but couldn't decide on one so just went with that. Anyhoo, it does what it says on the tin, obviously. The first edition features the Battle of Thermopylae --- yeah, the 300 Spartans thing. There are also reviews of the new EP from Eden Shadow and a very old Thin Lizzy album.
Over at there has been a lot of activity, with another few episodes from season 1 of Supernatural, an introduction to Love/Hate and The New Statesmen, both due to be featured soon, as well as a character profile of Arnold Rimmer from Red Dwarf. Oh yeah, and Series Link has shifted over to this journal too, migrating from my main one. Only made sense. Well, about as much as anything in my journals does...
Unknown Soldier continues to be, and this week he's looking at albums from Budgie and Sabbath. Yeah! Rock on man!
Urban then updating his journal, that leaves US for once not the last entry in this update. In he's ignored all votes for the next album to be reviewed by him and has gone for a 1968 outing by The Love Machine. Groovy!
And that's it once again. Plenty more coming your way, certainly from me and I'm sure from most if not everyone here. Don't work too hard (haha! I'll be thinking of you when I'm tucked up in bed listening to the wind howl outside!) and we'll see ya all on the next update, which will be the last for this month.