Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
^  Sorry ! I didn`t mean to mislead anyone. I think I tried to be to clever with my user name. It was supposed to mean that I was an addict to listening ; a Listen-er-holic. So, not much of a joke, but I can live with it if you guys can.
Is there a thread about who has the best name ? I think Trollheart chose one of the best, and it suits his prolific posting style too !
Thanks Lisna! As it happens, I did start a thread asking "how did you choose your username" in which I started the ball rolling by revealing where mine came from (long story short, it's a character in a novel I was writing, a real troll, a general of armies --- yeah it was a fantasy novel!) but I think the thread has sunk beneath the weight of general apathy and now is bobbing somewhere off the coast of Atlantis...