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Old 02-16-2013, 02:02 PM   #230 (permalink)
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Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Sunnydale Cemetary
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61. Toxic Holocaust Genre (Crossover thrash) Oregon USA, era Modern &

Gallhammer Genre (Doom Metal/Blackened Crust) Japan, era modern

There are punk influences in Toxic Holocaust, but it doesn't take a genius to figure out they're a bonafide metal band, and probably the only true blue metal band on this list outside of Black September, but crossover genres are funny that way, DRI hardcore, Nuclear Assault metal, Iskra hardcore, Black September metal, my personal favorite song Bitch sounds like slayer melded with D beat.

Anyhow, I'm not a metal expert, but I think it's safe to say that Toxic Holocaust are not only the kings of modern crossover thrash, but also one of the better things going in the new wave of thrash at the moment, and in the long run, I think they will be remembered as one of the more notable metal bands of their era.

All right one more set of ten, I'll drop a few bombs and then I'm taking another long break.


Feedback, Blood, And Distortion

Nuke the Cross


I thought I would stick a metal band with a metal band. Despite Gallhammer's crust influence, I find, from what I've heard, that the Doom Metal is pretty prominent, as most of their songs have that slow sludgy depressing sound to them, popular band, but just not my flavour. Here's a more crusty song.

Blind my eyes

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 09-17-2013 at 10:58 PM.
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