I have been posting on here for a couple of months now so I think I have a rough idea of what a lot of you are like (on here at least)
Trollheart - Genuinely nice guy, very witty. One of my favourite posters on here and I have got a lot of respect for him. Villa fan too
Goofle11 - Funny guy, I enjoy the debates that go on on here. Very smart and knowledgeable on music.
Sparky - Cool as f
uck. Seems like the sort of guy I would get on well with and smoke a zoot with in real life. Similar taste in music to me although he knows more than I do.
Lisnaholic - Comes across as very polite and respectful, seems like she wouldn't harm a fly (in a good way of course).
Vanilla - I like her, seems very friendly and helpful.
Janzsoon - He was very welcoming to me when I first joined this forum which is one of the reasons I've stayed posting so thanks for that.
FETCHER. - She comes across very well and has a good personality, seems to enjoy fitness too
misspoptart - She's great, her posts have a very 'warming' feeling to them.
Face - Very fair and knowledgeable on football, sound lad. Seems to take my posts very well (as does everyone in the football threads) as I'm sure I've said some harsh things about Liverpool on here. Only 'bants' though
Whisky - Funny as f
uck, I liked the guy.
Kelli - Knows bloody loads about music for her age, v. good taste.
LoathsomePete - Not seen him post too much but from what I have seen he seems like a connoisseur of fine wining and dining.
Pretty much everyone on here seems respectful, don't think I've encountered any wa
nkers yet and I like posting on here, so cheers guys.