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Old 02-15-2013, 10:42 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post

Released in 1996 by Boston-area loop dude Alan Sutherland, this little gem of an album has never really received the recognition it deserves in my personal opinion.
Came in on the last thread and was introduced to that awesome Titanic track and had to check out this thread from the beginning. And lo and behold there was Janszoon again. Now I know what this thread is about and looks like I'm gonna spend some time checking out this labor of love project you did Janszoon. Thanks for the great effort to expose some of us out here that don't readily get access to this stuff.

Really fun and pleasurable song. Makes you want to hear more. Love the kids sampling on this track especially. We don't get enough of childrens voices in popular music. The only time I got anything similar to that cute kids sound on a rock album was The Clash's production of Career Opportunities on Sandinista. I never get tired of it. It's actually better than sampling kids voices because they were an actual kids choir. I could have listened to a whole album of them doing Clash covers.

Doubt if I would have Sandinista on my list of 25 albums you had to hear before that meteor hits us but if I had 25 songs I'd put that one on it.

For those who never got the 'pulling-at-your-heart-strings' pleasure of hearing it:

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