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Old 02-15-2013, 08:33 PM   #229 (permalink)
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62. Short Sharp Shock Genre (Crossover thrash) Liverpool UK, era Modern &

Feed the Rhino Genre (Post Hardcore/Hardcore) Kent UK, era Modern


Allright time for the crossover thrash duel.

Hailing from Liverpool, Short Sharp Shock (SSS) plays short speedy skate thrash, so defiantly on the hardcore side of things. They are largely on here because of the song Black Night White Light, which has a wicked guitar solo, and in my opinion is better than anything Municipal Waste has put out. There is also some distinctive talent here, but there are a few reasons I wouldn't crown them kings of modern crossover thrash.

First, the said song above was from their early 7 inch, and I haven't heard them do anything as good since. Their second album the Dividing Line was a nice tribute to skate thrash, but a bit of a wash. Their last album was fairly good, but nothing spectacular, understandably though they had gone through a lineup change.

There are a lot of bands that start out great, but are never able to recreate their early magic, and that is what separates the good bands from those that become legendary. So now let's move onto a metal band that is defiantly on route to becoming the latter.

Black Night White Light



Feed the Rhino

Ok one last modern UK hardcore band, as I find these guys really grow on you after a while. Overall, I feel like the modern UK stuff on here is outstripping the American stuff 2 to 1, but there has been such a massive explosion of hardcore bands over there for about the last number of years so...


The Burning Sons

Last edited by William_the_Bloody; 07-19-2013 at 12:01 AM.
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