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Old 02-13-2013, 09:32 AM   #5 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Finland
Posts: 17

Originally Posted by Plankton View Post
It was a joke.

Now that I've heard your tune, and have a better understanding of the direction you're going (techno), I can tell you my thoughts on it. It sounds a bit generic, with the sampled drums, and buzzsaw main riffing. Experiment a bit with widening (pan hard left/right) the main instrument. That would give it a fuller sound. As far as adding guitar to it, maybe intertwine a main lick at intervals with some shredding in between. Dunno. Just a thought.
Actually I would say that this is more like metal. The "buzzsaw thing" actually is a synth guitar. But I guess it can be techno/metal (I have listened Yousei Teikoku's songs a lot lately and they play Techno/Goth Metal. Maybe I have gotten influences from her music even tough her music is a lot better than mine). Also, what do you mean with "maybe intertwine a main lick at intervals with some shredding in between". I didn't understand it since my english is not thag great.
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