Music Banter - View Single Post - Jamie foxx says "black people are the most talented people in the world".
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Old 02-12-2013, 06:28 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by PoorOldPo View Post
It is racist, and if you are going to call me a racist for saying that it is racist well then I guess I am racist too. I liked him in Django Unchained but I have lost respect for him for saying this.
There will never be equality as long as people that feel they are discriminated against keep on pointing out the fact that they are different. I'm sick of hearing about it. Whether they are black, gay, female or whatever.

Jamie Foxx wins an award, good for him. That award is his, it does not belong to the black race. You see it all the time especially on TV, whenever somebody does something they always have to point out how its some greater victory for the group they 'represent'. There was an Asian guy on American Idol last year I think and he kept banging on about what an achievement it would be for an Asian to win. Why? If you can or can't sing that has nothing to do with your race, you're just a shit singer. You see it all the time, it's cringeworthy.
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