Music Banter - View Single Post - Jamie foxx says "black people are the most talented people in the world".
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Old 02-12-2013, 01:04 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by AwwSugar View Post
I mean, if you read the article, what he's saying is explained perfectly.
Making it about race for a black person is nothing because for black people and people of color, it's always been about race. Everything is always about race.
The first "Puerto Rican" _______ the first "black" president. It's always about race for those who aren't white so for him to bring up race isn't really to be racist (which isn't really possible in this case).
Also, I'm sure he knows not every black person is the most talented in the world. He's an intelligent person, I really don't think he thinks that simply.
Thats why i commented it was a general statement. I was more commenting about the fact that NAACP would have a field day with a statement like this made by a white actor. Hell look at John Mayer. LOL
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