Originally Posted by Exoskeletal
I edited the post for context. The guy in the bmw must have been at least 60. He could not have taken that guy on. The ******* doing all the threatening was a lunatic. He's the kind of guy that would put an old man in the hospital for no reason other than to show he's tough. I know I was driving a bit too fast in the residential but I didn't want to lose the guy. I actually ended up losing him after the video cuts out because they were FLYING doing about 50 in a residential and spilling out onto a main road. The guy in the white focus ended up whipping a 180 and booking it out of there and that's when BMW gave up and I found him on the side of the road calling the fuzz. It was pretty intense. I envy cops who get to drive like that every day.
Do you have any idea what sparked the confrontation?