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Old 02-11-2013, 03:34 PM   #2577 (permalink)
MB quadrant's JM Vincent
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Since I'm trying to avoid making my beer gut any larger, I don't drink during the week anymore (it's a weight issue, trust me...if I had it my way, I'd have a beer or two or three every night). So, I'll let you guys know about my beer explorations from the past weekend.

If they sold sixers of these, I would be buying only this...forever:

Friday night:

With dinner:

Ommegang Hennepin - It's probably the best Belgian Ale...ever (in this case a Farmhouse Saison). It's one of those beers where once you taste it, you end up inevitably taking a much larger swig than you first set out to do. It would take quite a paragraph to describe the complexity of this beer, so I'll just emphasize that you should drink one if you haven't.

The rest of the night:

Bell's Hopslam - I should have known to trust Bell's...their Two Hearted Ale is one of my favorites. I don't know why I stayed away from this sucker for so long. While the name implies an assault of hops, they are actually balanced perfectly with some fruity overtones.

Thirsty Dog's Old Leghumper - A bit more coffee taste than I normally like in my Porters, but really good nonetheless. Also not as thick as a lot of the porter's I've had in the past.

Thirsty Dog's Twisted Kilt - A damn good Scottish Ale. Of course, I was getting pretty loaded at this point, so most things would have tasted good at this point. I ordered it mostly because the server was cute and recommended I was impressed with a midwestern girl actually enjoying craft brews. So yeah.


New Belgium Trippel - The first disappointing beer of the weekend. I wanted another Belgian Ale...but more of it. And these came in sixers. I like Fat Tire for its nutty taste...unfortunately that somehow carried over into this. Needed way more characteristic Trippel flavors. I still drank all of them, though.

Left Handed Milk Stout - Yesssss. Currently my favorite Stout. Milky and Stouty in the best way possible.

Sunday (it's still the weekend, right?):

I had a couple of these guy left over from the previous weekend:

Flying Dog's Raging Bitch Belgian IPA - It was was IPA...surely that would be amazing, right? It was...ok. I definitely have to be in the mood for it, because those two styles actually work against each other in a lot of ways. I should also probably learn to stop falling for Flying Dog's cool artwork...because so far I've had "meh" feelings about Snake Dog (their IPA) and I really did not like In Heat Wheat.

And I ended the night with some (thankfully) leftover:

Stone IPA - One of the best IPAs money can buy.

Am I an alcoholic? Only on the weekends. Am I a beer snob? Most definitely. I take all of my interests too's just how I do it. I got into music...turned into a music snob. I got into I'm working on my graduate degree. I got into beer...and this post happened.
Confusion will be my epitaph...
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