Originally Posted by Exoskeletal
Hard Candy
I didn't find it as disturbing as most people described to me as it being. I thought it was mostly a display of good acting rather than shocking story. I enjoyed it but only for Page and Wilsons' performances.
I hated this film. Page's character was far too mature for her supposedly tender age and I didn't find anything shocking in the film at all. On the plus side the digital colouring of the film was really good as the film was run back through a computer and digitally manipulated and it looks really good but as for being shocking? Nah.
Monsters fighting each other? Frankenstein matching up to a Zombie? This sounded so promising in a so bad it's good B movie scenario. Bought on a whim (which I rarely do these days), the dvd even included top trump style cards with ratings for each monster so there was money behind it but it turned out to be one of the worst films I have ever seen.
It is just a serious of actors in very bad make up wrestling and it's the sort of crap staged wrestling on the T.V. No OTT gore or amazing fight scenes that could have made the film a cult item.
Absolute crap which is a shame as the concept had something going for it.