Originally Posted by William_the_Bloody
69. Death Sentence Genre (Hardcore) British Columbia Canada, era 80's
One of my favourite Canadian hardcore bands of all time. Popular throughout Canada and parts of the States, the band folded in the early 90's and tumbled into obscurity as a result not being able to get a hold of their recording rights. They finally got their two releases out on CD not too long ago, and are enjoying a resurgence in popularity as a result. If your a fan of 80's hardcore, I highly recommend them. RIP Pete Cleaver.
Danger Zone
Dawn of the Dead
Good call on Death Sentence. I saw their brief tour they did last year here in my hometown. Got a free copy of the CD from Doug Donut himself. Interesting guy he is.
But their EP "Not A Pretty Sight" is amazing.
a clip from their reunion:
my favorite DS song: