Certainly their cover of When the Levee Breaks.
I have a real hard time with Led Zeppelin. I'm guessing Memphis Minnie wrote the song about the '37 flood (though it could've been any number of floods or near floods), & that resonates with me (having spent the last year in Memphis). But Page & Plant didn't know anything about levees or floods or about losing their livelihoods. So when I listen to Zeppelin & I try to connect with the songs, I just end up feeling Page is a huge dick & that he & Plant are both posers.
But you can't argue with the drum tones that Glyn Johns got on IV. Insane.
I think what really killed it for me was watching an interview with Page & the guy asked him about Jake Holmes & Dazed & Confused & he said something to the effect of "What's the guy got a claim to? 1 guitar riff? Give me a break." That guy is in his own category of douche bag, him & Lance Armstrong & very few others.
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