My Bloody Valentine - m b v
It just wouldn't be right for me to not mention this album here because, well, this week I have been immensely digging it. It more than met my expectations, and that really doesn't happen often. I also think this and Loveless are different enough to the point where sometimes I may actually be in the mood for Loveless, sometimes for this. I can already tell you this will be in my top 10 of 2013 by the end of the year.

The History of Apple Pie - Out of View
If you like Lush, the Jesus and Mary Chain, or just shoegaze in general (or all of the above), you will probably enjoy this. Nothing earth-shattering, but highly addictive.

Bleeding Rainbow - Yeah Right
Kind of along the same vein as the above mentioned album, but a bit more catchy and bit more alternative. Also highly addictive.