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Old 02-07-2013, 05:46 PM   #6 (permalink)
All day jazz and biscuits
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I know that the first category was pretty boring. Hopefully this one will be better responses. I expect Jack and Pete to participate in this one. You mofos better contribute.

Favorite Performances

Daniel Day Lewis as Daniel Plainview
There Will Be Blood

This is without a doubt my favorite performance ever. It's mesmerizing. DDL completely transformed his entire being to play Plainview (like he usually does). I love the accent. I love the moustache. I love the greed and hatred beaming from his eyes. He gives some of the best line delivery I've ever see and it also helps that he's a complete badass. There has just ever been anything like it before.

Robert Shaw as Quint

Ahhh my favorite character from my favorite movie. I've always been a fan of salty rugged characters but nobody does salty rugged like Robert Shaw. There is nobody on this planet that could have played Quint like Shaw did. I love how you could barely understand some of the words he was saying giving away a small notion that Quint is certifiably insane which Chief Brody claims he is later in the movie. The best monologue in film history is given by Quint and still gives me chills even though I've seen this movie over 100 times. Just completely classic and will go down and be talked about forever.

Dennis Hopper as Frank Booth
Blue Velvet

The most terrifying person ever put on screen. That's Frank Booth. There's no reasoning with Frank. Frank doesn't go by logic. If you piss him off he'll ****ing kill you. Hopper played it perfectly. God what a terror. I actually can't describe him more than this video does...

Christoph Waltz as Hans Landa
Inglorious Basterds

Hilarious and frightening. This is a great combination and I feel Waltz's performance as Hans Landa perfect the mix of the two. He stole every single scene of that movie and is the reason I consider it Tarantino's masterpiece. The first scene at the French farmhouse is one of the most intense yet hilariously horrific scenes I've ever seen and it is driven by Waltz. I almost considered his role as Dr. Shultz in Django but Landa was just too evil to pass over.

Michael Shannon as Curtis
Take Shelter


I almost didn't put this in the list but I wanted to have one dark horse make the list instead of the usual bunch. I loved this movie and I love Michael Shannon. Usually the darker the character the more I get into the mind of the character and this was no exception. Curtis was quiet and tense and you knew there was just a storm full of things going on in his head and it was shown with such subtlety from Shannon. He can also be explosive. It was a terrifying wonder to watch.

Honorable mentions

Heath Ledger as The Joker in The Dark Knight
Robert Mitchum as Preacher Harry Powell in The Night of the Hunter
Tommy Lee Jones as Sheriff Bell in No Country for Old Men
Jeong-hie Yun as Mija in Poetry
Min-sik Choi as Dae-su Oh in Oldboy
Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates in Psycho
Bill Murray as Bob Harris in Lost in Translation
Joaquin Phoenix as Freddie Qwell in The Master
Kevin Spacey as Lester Burnham in American Beauty
Jack Nicholson as Jack Torrance in The Shining
Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman inAmerican Psycho

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