Don't you know a rumble ain't a rumble without me?"
as Janszoon said...i have oddles of respect for Bad Brains....but very little of what they've done has really stuck with me....there is no denying that pay To *** is by far one of the greatest hardcore songs ever played.....and i love the song and story behind Sacred Love (i know it's not on this album

)....but for the most part i never really got into Bad Brains....Black Flag on the other hand...is everything i love about punk rock....great bass and drums to keep that perfect beat....Ginn's amazing guitar....i mean f
ucking amazing....i know he grew into a complete introverted ******* who seriously thinks he is the end all of everything having to do with LA punk in the 80s....but in my opinion he seriously helped start what i define as noise rock....evident on this album but blown to the moon with My War.....when i'm driving one of these 80000 pound trucks and Rise Above comes up on random.....i have to either skip the track or pull over.....that song alone still raises my blood pressure from the first note....one bad track on this album...sorry but i can't stand this version of Depression.....the rest of the album is damn near perfection for me
Bad Brains 3
Black Flag 2