At my work, we have 10 "occurrences" per calendar year. These aren't just days you've called off; you get a quarter of an occurrence for being more than 7 but less than 15 minutes late, half an occurrence for more than 15 but less than half an hour late, and a full occurrence for anything beyond that - be it going home sick, whatever.
And I work about an hour away from my house, so you can imagine that it's a little hard to get there when it's snowy or a little frustrating to drive that distance when I'm not feeling well.
Anyway, I'd accumulated 7.5 occurrences and was kind of bummed out, but for whatever reason (out of the goodness of their hearts?) they took one of my occurrences off and I only have 6.5.
Most of mine were when I kept having to go to the doctor in September and October, so those will roll off. But I was still very thrilled to realize that I've still got a little wiggle I've now got 6 hours of paid personal time and 24 hours of vacation time at my disposal.
Thank the Jesus.
It's a hand-me-down, the thoughts are broken
Perhaps they're better left unsung