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Old 02-06-2013, 01:39 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
I was thinking about Last Light, but Metro 2033 ruined it for me. I bought the game after a Steam deal, and it was so hyped up that I was hyped.

Total letdown. The only thing it had going for it was good use of atmosphere and difficulty level (but difficult in the annoying way, and not so much the strategic way). All the other important factors of a game, it lacked severely. Especially the ending... and unless the story was supposed to be "world ended... survive... also, weird ghosts that we will not explain, ever.", then I'm sorry, but that's one game I won't be playing again.
The books are fu***** amazing!
Metro was a bit disappointing, but I got it for free for liking the THQ fb profile so I can't really complain..
The books though - I assume they translated them to English by now, it's Fallout but without the American popculture references and a lot more down to earth. Even with these psychic events or whatnot and huge mutants.
The setting has amazing potential to be an "open world" rpg, there are so many factions in the Moscow metro, so many mysteries, it could just be the best thing since sliced bread. if they ever get around to making it
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