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Old 02-05-2013, 05:49 PM   #8 (permalink)
Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 6

"I wonder what the story behind Drame22 is" -Oh, everyone does, along with wondering about my other usernames Antigan15 and Gunwhistle. I'm shrouded in mystery.

Well itunes is free but if you have a different program, they're all basically the same.

Here's what I got. They may not be true folk, I prefer simplicity in my itunes, so I've eeked out every sub genre i could. I have a grand total of 12 genres for all 2144 songs of mine. Anywho:

Bruce Springsteen
The Clancy Brothers
Dave Alvin
Gaelic Storm(super good band if you like Irish music, one of my favorites)
Great Big Sea
Jim Croce
The Jolly Rogers
Mumford & Sons
The Pogues
Poxy Boggards
Rolf Harris (musical comedy, really fun to listen to)
The Shamrock Rebels
The Tallest Man On Earth
The Wolfe Tones
97th Regimental String Band

So as you can see, some are historical, some are folk, some are traditional european. It all falls under folk in my mind.

And, although he does no advertising, Sandy Brechin is one of, IMO, the best accordion folk players around. I particularly love how he perfected the three note jump, in this song:

EDIT: Well apparently I can't link youtube until I've posted 15 times. That seems a bit stupid. Youtube search 'Sandy Brechin Scottish Accordionist'. You will not be disappointed.

It amazes me how he can do it all by touch. Lucky lucky man.
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